Nairobi National Park, also known as Kifaru Ark meaning “Rhinoceros Sanctuary”, is one of Kenya’s rhinoceros sanctuaries. The national park is the first park in Kenya which was established in 1946. The park is located seven kilometres south of the centre of Nairobi, Kenya.

Over hundred mammal species can be found in the park like lions, leopards, baboons, zebras, buffalos, giraffes and cheetahs. The park has features like open grasslands, a view of the city skyscrapers and scattered acacia bush which serves as a host to varying wildlife including the endangered black rhino and over four hundred bird species. The park also has spacious housing in the form of a natural environment for the animals.

The park contains the highest density of black rhinos in Kenya. The park has a diverse wildlife population ranging from Grant’s zebra, cheetah, Coke hartebeest, hippopotamus, African leopard, lion, eland, impala, Masai giraffe, ostrich, Cape buffalo, baboon, eastern black rhino, gazelle, vultures and waterbuck. Animal lovers will definitely be enthralled by the various wildlife present at the park.

Guests can also enjoy the park’s picnic sites, campsites and the walking trails for hikers. The Kenya Wildlife Service has created a Safari Walk that highlights the variety of plants and animals that are in Kenya, and how they affect the population of Kenya.

The park also has a Wildlife Conservation Education Centre which gives lectures and video about the wildlife in the park and guided tours to students. Although, these tours are not exclusively limited to educate schools and local communities only.

The national park also gives provision for corporate events, weddings, picnics, team building, music video events, bush dinners, video and film production.

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